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Proton Casting Plant, Glenmarie Industrial Park

Landscape master plan

The Landscape master plan was presented to Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional (Proton) for their Casting Plant project. The project covers an approximate area of 25 acres and is amongst the most prominent developments in the industrial park.

The concept of the proposed landscape master plan is to create a park-like environment in tandem with the overall concept of Glenmarie Industrial park. To achieve this concept, our objective is to produce a a landscape design that provides an environment so that the employees will be able to enjoy working in an area where shades of trees and splashes of colours are in abundance.

To create a park-like environment, more attention is given to soft landscaping treatment. The planting scheme is based upon these criterias :-

(1) To use trees that provide shade in areas such as car parks and open space areas designated for passive recreation.

(2) To use flowering trees that provide shade and colour in areas such as at the site bound- aries and in between passive and active recreational areas.

(3) To use plants with colourful flowers such as flowering shrubs and ground covers at strategic places such as the entrances to the factory compound and the main lobby. Exotic forest plants such as Heliconias and ferns were used to pro vide different kinds of colours and textures.

Proposal includes walkway, rock garden and park furniture.

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